Please indicate which of the following events you would like to attend. The minimum donation for a single event is either €5 or £5; the minimum donation for all four events is €20 or £20.
Donations can be made by bank transfer to
P. Flanagan No. 2 Account
BIC/Swift Code: IPBSIE2D
IBAN: IE95IPBS99061086511145

Whether you use bank transfer or another means, please ensure that you use IRVC followed by YOUR NAME. Without this reference we will not know that you have made a donation.

All events commence at 7.30pm and you will be sent the link for each event approximately 24 hours in advance.
Please note that, due to circumstances beyond our control, the first event originally scheduled for 20th January 2022 will now take place on SUNDAY, 20TH FEBRUARY 2022 at 7.30p.m.

The minimum donation for a single event is either €5 or £5; the minimum donation for all four events is €20 or £20.